

Gynecomastia is a condition that occurs in men, especially in teenage boys. It is a condition in which boys experience an enlargement of breast tissue. This is a non-cancerous enlargement that occurs due to an imbalance in testosterone and estrogen.

Testosterone is the hormone that guides the sexual growth of boys during puberty. Estrogen is the hormone that grows in females. Boys will have some amount of estrogen in their bodies. During puberty, it is possible for boys’ bodies to make less testosterone. When that happens, the estrogen in their body will swell.

Gynecomastia is pretty common, as around 50% of teenage boys experience it. While it is not dangerous to the body, it can be dangerous to the mind. Gynecomastia affects the appearance of the body. A good appearance is important for teenage boys, as it can have an impact on their confidence.

Causes of Gynecomastia

Many things can trigger the hormone imbalance that can lead to Gynecomastia. Some of the common causes include:

  • Testosterone is produced by testicles, so injuries or diseases in testicles can lead to hormone imbalance
  • Thyroid is a common reason for Gynecomastia
  • Cancer in the lungs, pituitary glands, and adrenal glands can cause this condition
  • Obesity can lead to breast tissue enlargement
  • Some medications can also cause this condition. For example, ulcer medication can trigger a hormone imbalance
  • Finally, taking illegal drugs can result in Gynecomastia. Another reason to not take drugs

The aforementioned are the common causes of Gynecomastia. Other than this, health conditions like kidney failure can also be a reason for this condition.

Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is easy to notice. Some of the symptoms resemble the symptoms of cancer. So, if you see a lump in your breast, don’t conclude that you have breast cancer. It might be Gynecomastia. Following are some of the symptoms of Gynecomastia:

  • A lump under the nipple is the basic symptom of Gynecomastia. This is the symptom that makes people think that it is breast cancer
  • You may experience pain and discomfort due to the lump
  • Tender breasts
  • Swollen breast tissue

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, meet with a doctor. A doctor can guide you on how to treat Gynecomastia.

Diagnosing Gynecomastia

Diagnosing Gynecomastia involves a mixture of physical exams and some tests. The doctor will ask you about the symptoms you are experiencing. They may do the following tests to diagnose Gynecomastia:

  • Blood tests
  • Computerized tomography scans
  • MRI scans
  • Testicular ultrasounds
  • Tissue biopsies
  • Mammograms

The surgeon will do some tests to rule out other conditions that may have similar symptoms. Some of the conditions that may have similar symptoms are:

  • Fatty breast tissue
  • Breast tissue
  • Breast abscess

Treatments for Gynecomastia

In some cases, Gynecomastia goes away on its own. Sometimes, you may require medications to treat Gynecomastia. But this is not always the case. Some men and boys require surgery for Gynecomastia. Surgery is required when medication has no effect.

Gynecomastia can be treated with two types of surgery:

  • Liposuction
  • Mastectomy


Liposuction is a procedure that removes fat deposits from anywhere in your body. This procedure is used when the fat doesn’t respond to diet and exercise.

People who have good overall health can go for liposuction. Also, people who have a BMI of over 25 are good candidates for the procedure. You don’t have to worry about your teen getting surgery since age isn’t a factor for liposuction.

The common types of liposuction surgeries include:

  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction
  • Vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance
  • Suction-assisted liposuction
  • Power-assisted liposuction
  • Laser-assisted liposuction

All these types of liposuction are safe and effective. Your surgeon will determine which type of liposuction is best for you.

Liposuction Procedure

  • The surgeon will first give anaesthesia to numb your body. It may be local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia
  • Once you feel numb, the surgeon will make a small incision
  • Through the small incision, the surgeon will insert a suction tool called a cannula to liquefy the fat between the muscles and skin
  • After liquefying your fat, they remove the excess fat with a suction tool or syringe
  • Finally, after removing the excess fat, they will close the incision with stitches


  • You will recover very soon, especially if you don’t smoke. Smoking can delay the recovery
  • You will feel pain and discomfort for some days. Your healthcare provider will prescribe antibiotics and pain medications. Take the pills as long as your doctor tells you to
  • Change the dressing of your wound frequently
  • Following the diet plan your doctor recommends can help in a quick recovery


Mastectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the breast gland from men who have enlarged breasts. This procedure is usually done to remove cancer from women who have breast cancer.

Getting Ready for Mastectomy Surgery

  • During the consultation process, your doctor will ask you about any allergies you might have to certain medications
  • They will ask you not to drink or eat anything sometime before the surgery
  • In addition, they will also ask you not to take certain medications like blood thinners and anti-inflammatories
  • Smoking is not advisable for some days since it can have an impact on the recovery process
  • The instructions given to you will differ depending on your health condition

During the Surgery

  • As usual, the surgeon will give you anaesthesia to numb your body
  • They will use a sterile solution to clean the operation site
  • After cleaning, the surgeon will make a small incision
  • Through the incision, the surgeon will remove the breast tissue
  • Finally, the surgeon will close the incision


The recovery period can be reduced heavily by your actions. The following things can help you recover soon:

  • Take the pain medications and antibiotics prescribed by your doctor regularly
  • Follow the diet suggested by your doctor
  • Do not miss any follow-up consultations. Follow-up consultations are a must to avoid any health complications
  • Change the dressing on the surgery area regularly

Basically, if you listen to your doctor, you will heal very soon.

Gynecomastia at BM Cosmetic

For cosmetic surgeries, you need a top surgeon, not an inexperienced surgeon. You need to know that you are in safe hands. It is guaranteed at BM Cosmetic. All the surgeons at BM Cosmetic have over a decade’s experience in cosmetic surgery. They can help you achieve your goal while minimising the complications. Gynecomastia is also affordable at BM Cosmetic. If you have queries about the surgery, book an appointment today and clear your queries with a top surgeon. Give us a call at +919952099620 or email us at to book an appointment.

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