Best Hospital for Cosmetic Surgery Treatment in Chennai

BM Cosmetic – Home of the Best Cosmetic Surgeons in Chennai

The perfect you is just a phone call away. Transform into a more attractive, more confident you with BM Cosmetic. From facial reconstructive surgeries to specialised body contouring treatments to hair transplants, BM Cosmetic, the best cosmetic clinic in Chennai, will sculpt you into the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Why BM Cosmetic?

Not everyone is born with the features they desire. Destructive habits, illnesses, and heredity, all play a role in a person’s physical appearance. Thanks to advancements in medicine, people don’t have to lead unsatisfying lives with their imperfections. Cosmetic surgery is a field of medicine that aims to change a person’s appearance to a more likeable and confident one.

Undergoing cosmetic surgery in Chennai is not an easy task. You have to choose the right hospital with the best cosmetic surgeons in Chennai, modern facilities, and a warm, patient-friendly environment. BM Cosmetic checks all these boxes.

As a NABH-accredited clinic, BM Cosmetic offers all types of cosmetic surgeries to make your life better. Ask yourself the following questions.

  • Do you want to lose weight quickly?
  • Do you want to burn belly fat?
  • Do you want to correct your face and look youthful?
  • Do you have a birth scar that needs to be removed?
  • Are you afraid of going bald?
  • Do you want to increase or decrease the size of your breasts?
  • Do you have an abnormally large chin or nose?
  • Do you want to enhance the appearance of your buttocks?

If you answered yes to one or more questions, then plan a visit to BM Cosmetic. Our experts have over two decades of combined experience performing a multitude of cosmetic procedures. Our cosmetic surgeon in Chennai will recommend and perform procedures only after extensively analysing your health records.

You can expect the following treatments at BM Cosmetic:

  • Abdominoplasty: A surgical procedure to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen. Ideal for women who’ve had multiple pregnancies and people who have lost a lot of weight
  • Breast Augmentation: A procedure to improve the size of the breast using implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles
  • Brazilian Butt Lift: A cosmetic procedure to modify the size and shape of the buttocks using fat from other parts of the body
  • Chin Reduction: A surgery to reduce the size, length, or width of the chin and make it look more balanced with the rest of the face
  • Eyebrow Transplant: A cosmetic surgery to enhance the appearance of eyebrows
  • Gynecomastia: A procedure to alter the excessive amount of breast gland tissue in men and boys caused due to oestrogen and testosterone imbalance
  • Hyperhidrosis: A treatment for a condition where a person sweats excessively
  • Surgical Body Contouring: A procedure to remove fat from the body, sculpt specific areas, and tighten the skin
  • Axillary Breast: A surgical procedure that eliminates the growth of breast tissues in the underarms
  • Beard and Moustache: A procedure to treat patchy, irregular beards or moustaches
  • Dimple Creation: A procedure to create an artificial dimple when you smile
  • Face Volume Correction: A series of procedures that involve removing unpleasant elements in the face, like wrinkles, spots, smile lines, and acne scars
  • Hair Transplant: A surgery to move hair grafts from the healthy part of the head to an area with no or thinning hair
  • Lip Reduction: A surgery to reduce the size of the lips
  • Pinnaplasty & Ear Lobe Repair: Surgical procedures to alter the shape and size of the ears and repair split or stretched earlobes
  • Umbilicus Correction: A cosmetic procedure to alter the bellybutton. Often preferred by women after pregnancy and those with scars due to bellybutton piercings

Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery Treatment

You may be wondering why one should prefer a cosmetic surgery in Chennai. People are so focused on the negatives, that they forget the actual benefits that cosmetic surgery brings. Here are some reasons why the services of the best cosmetic clinic in Chennai, BM Cosmetic, can change your life.

There is no point in worrying about balding hair or unattractive physical appearance. The worry leads to poor mental health, which eventually starts interfering with your relationships and work or school and can have disastrous consequences.

You start life anew when you undergo cosmetic surgery. People won’t mock you for your appearance. You won’t get stared at when out in public. With nothing to hold you down, every obstacle in life will be a piece of cake.

Better Physical Health

Appearance aside, some cosmetic procedures have health benefits too. Say, for example, that opting for a liposuction procedure at BM Cosmetic, the best cosmetic clinic in Chennai, will help individuals reduce their weight quickly and easily. This eliminates the chances of numerous weight-related illnesses. This includes conditions like lipomas, a fatty tumour in some parts of the body, and lipodystrophy syndrome, a fat metabolism disturbance. Additionally, there are also studies that state that liposuction lowers the number of inflammatory cells in the body.

Boosted Confidence

This is one of the major benefits of cosmetic surgery. The confidence boost you get from cosmetic surgery is incomparable. This hike in confidence is directly related to self-esteem, which is a measure of how much you like yourself. When your body has imperfections, you will find it incredibly difficult to love yourself and to respect your body.

A cosmetic surgeon in Chennai will recommend the steps to take to correct your current condition and will perform the recommended procedure efficiently. With the thing that was bothering you now gone, you’ll be able to confidently face everything life throws at you.

Upbeat About Life

This benefit is related to all the others before it. Once you leave the best cosmetic clinic in Chennai as a new person, your outlook on life changes. You get a zing to every step you take and every thing you do. Your newfound enthusiasm and confidence will bring you success from all quarters.

What’s better is that you change your routine to support the new you. Regular exercise, following healthy diets, and moderating or avoiding unhealthy habits are some things most people who have undergone cosmetic procedures do.

General Guidelines to Follow Before a Cosmetic Surgery

Although they may vary depending on the procedure, the following are some general precautions one must follow before cosmetic surgery.

  • Smoking can interfere with the recovery procedure. It is recommended to stop smoking 2 to 4 weeks before the procedure.
  • Avoid alcohol 2 weeks before the procedure
  • Blood clotting can be disastrous. Avoid consuming blood-thinning medication at least 2 weeks before the surgery
  • Eat foods that are rich in iron and proteins
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid greasy foods and foods that have high salt, sugar, and refined carbs

BM Cosmetic, the best cosmetic clinic in Chennai, is your destination for all your aesthetic surgery needs. Situated in Nanganallur, BM Cosmetic has all the latest facilities and a patient-friendly atmosphere, making it the ideal place for cosmetic surgery in Chennai.

We have some of the best cosmetic surgeons in Chennai in the form of Dr. T. Rajinikanth and other experts who have over two decades of experience improving people’s lives. Give us a call at +91 9952099620 or email us at to get started.

Cosmetic Surgery Treatment List
