Urinary Stress Surgery

BM Cosmetic - Urinary Stress Surgery

Urinary stress incontinence can be a distressing condition, but with advancements in medical procedures like urinary stress surgery, there is hope for those affected. Whether you’re seeking urinary stress surgery and treatment in Chennai or just want to learn more about the procedure, then you are in the right place. BM Cosmetic offers the best urinary stress surgery in Chennai.

What is Urinary Stress Surgery?

Urinary stress surgery, often referred to as urinary stress incontinence surgery, is a surgical procedure designed to provide relief from urinary stress incontinence. This condition arises when pressure on the bladder from coughing, sneezing, laughing, or any physical activity leads to unintentional urine leakage.

Causes of Urinary Stress

There are several reasons why one might experience urinary stress. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth: The stress on the pelvic muscles during childbirth, especially vaginal birth, can weaken the muscles, leading to incontinence.
  • Menopause: A decline in estrogen production can weaken the urethral tissues.
  • Prostate surgery in men: Removal or treatment of the prostate can result in urinary stress.
  • Ageing: Natural weakening of bladder muscles with age
  • Obesity: Excess weight can exert undue pressure on the bladder.

Symptoms of Urinary Stress

The primary indicator of urinary stress is involuntary urine leakage during moments of physical strain, such as:

  • Coughing or sneezing.
  • Exercising or lifting heavy objects
  • Bending over.
  • Engaging in sexual activities.

This condition, known as urinary stress incontinence, occurs when the muscles and tissues supporting the bladder weaken. As a result, even minor physical stressors can trigger an unexpected urine release.

Common Treatment Options for Urinary Stress at BM Cosmetic

Urinary stress incontinence can pose a significant challenge for many, leading to discomfort and inconvenience. However, at BM Cosmetic, we offer a range of treatments tailored to address this condition, prioritising the individual needs and preferences of our patients.

  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Training:As our initial recommendation, pelvic floor muscle training plays a pivotal role in managing urinary stress. Through exercises like Kegels, one can bolster the strength of the muscles that oversee urination. With consistent practice, a noticeable reduction in symptoms is achievable.
  • Medication:In some cases, pharmaceutical intervention is beneficial. There are specific medications that can either tighten the muscles responsible for retaining urine or address the conditions that lead to incontinence.
  • Pessary:The pessary, a circular device, is strategically placed in the vagina. Its main function is to support the bladder, thereby significantly reducing instances of leakage.
  • Collagen Injections:The modern approach to collagen injections has gained traction in recent years. By introducing bulking agents such as collagen around the urethra, there is a significant increase in resistance. This helps curtail the involuntary expulsion of urine.
  • Urinary Stress Surgery:When the aforementioned treatments do not yield satisfactory results, surgical intervention might be the next step. At BM Cosmetic, the frequently recommended surgical treatment for urinary stress incontinence is urinary stress incontinence surgery. One of the renowned methods we employ involves sling surgeries.

This procedure utilises either a synthetic mesh or the patient’s own tissue to form a supportive sling around the urethra. This surgical approach is instrumental in halting unintentional urine leakage.

At BM Cosmetic, we prioritise patient welfare and ensure that every individual gets a tailored treatment plan best suited to their needs.

Pre-Treatment Guidelines of Urinary Stress Surgery

  • Before undergoing urinary stress surgery, it is essential to prepare both physically and mentally to ensure the best possible outcome. Here are some general pre-treatment guidelines:

    • Medical Evaluation:Schedule a thorough check-up with your doctor to evaluate the necessity and feasibility of the surgery. This often includes blood tests, urine tests, and imaging studies.
    • Medication:Inform your surgeon about all the medications, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs you are taking. You may be advised to stop or adjust certain medications, especially blood thinners.
    • Dietary Restrictions:You might be instructed to fast for several hours before the surgery, refraining from both food and drink.
    • Cleanse the Area:Depending on the type of surgery, you might be asked to cleanse the genital area with a special antiseptic solution.
    • Discuss the Procedure:Understand the surgical procedure thoroughly, including potential risks and benefits. Make sure all your questions and concerns are addressed.
    • Plan Post-Surgery:Since you might need help right after the surgery, arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least a day or two post-surgery.


Post-Treatment Guidelines of Urinary Stress Surgery

  • After the surgery, you may have a catheter (a thin tube) inserted into your bladder to drain urine. This may be removed before you leave the hospital, or you may need to keep it for a few days at home.
  • You may have some pain, discomfort, or bleeding from the incision site or the vagina. You can take painkillers as prescribed by your doctor and use sanitary pads to absorb any blood loss.
  • You may also have some urinary symptoms, such as urgency, frequency, or difficulty urinating. These usually improve over time as your bladder and urethra heal. You should drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods.
  • You should avoid strenuous activities, such as exercising, lifting heavy objects, or driving, for at least 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery. You should also avoid sexual intercourse until your doctor advises you that it is safe.
  • You should follow up with your doctor regularly to check on your recovery and monitor your urine flow. You may need to do some tests, such as a urine culture or a urodynamic study, to evaluate your bladder function.
  • You should continue to do pelvic floor exercises to reinforce the muscles that support your bladder and urethra. This can help prevent the recurrence of stress incontinence or other pelvic floor disorders.
  • You should report any signs of infection, such as fever, chills, foul-smelling discharge, or severe pain, to your doctor immediately.

If you are looking for urinary stress surgery and treatment in Chennai, you can consider BM Cosmetic, a reputed clinic that offers various services for urinary and pelvic health. BM Cosmetic has a team of experienced and qualified surgeons who can perform different types of urinary stress surgery using advanced techniques and equipment.

You can book an appointment online, call us at +91 9952099620, or email us at bmcosmeticclinic@gmail.com to find out more about their services and facilities.

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